Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Finishing the First U

We've been hot. We've been busy. We've been tired. Never have we been so sweaty. We have nearly completed digging out the first "U's" trench. This is where the first wall will go. The wall of our kitchen. The rest of the room will be dug out while we are filling the tires with dirt.

Here is a view of the floorplan. This might change over the course of our construction. But for now, we're pretty dead set on building this thing. It is actually pretty close to scale.


And if you are interested in speedy weight loss and muscle gain I highly recommend digging a 20 foot by three foot hole into rock solid ground. This hole should be two feet and up to five feet deep in some places. Here is the expletive trench:

And of course, some tires that will soon be walls.

In other news, we are not only sweating. We are enjoying the heavenly land in which we live on. Everything couldn't have been more perfect for a party we hosted the other night for our Albuquerque farmer friends.

And a beautiful sunset to wrap this entry up. More later! Much to do here in the greater northern New Mexico region!
From Shack Living

1 comment:

  1. Dear Amanda,
    Good job taking it to the next level. You guys are rad. Is Albaquerque near by? Brock is playing music there on Thursday. You should make him come look at you or something. I wish I was there! Shit.. His email is melancholyprincess AT gmail if you guys wanna hit him up.

    judy bawlss
