Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Flash Flood 2012

Yesterday early evening, we had the biggest rain storm of the season. It has rained everyday for the past four days, poured actually, buckets full.

The flooding arroyo in this video, or the temporary river is a road we usually drive down. Luckily there is an alternate road that we usually take. We drove down this "road" about 20 minutes before the flooding. I thank Lakshmi: we didn't. I thought we'd be struck by lightening, but in reality we would have been washed away. Well, who really knows, maybe I was running away from an adventure. Either way, I'm glad we were home to see it instead of stuck in the middle of it. This has only happened one other time, two years ago, since we've been here.

You will also see a hummingbird we rescued, it flew away after a few minutes, but that's not recorded, and also the first wall we adobe plastered. I still have to seal it with linseed oil. This wall is one of three in my bedroom. Two more to go, then the floor as well and a wood plank ceiling. Eventually, we will be back in that room. Two rooms! What a luxury, I can't hardly imagine.

The music in this video is by Single Moms, our band. The recording is very rough, but I thought it felt right.

SUMMER 20-12


  1. BEAUTIFUL! The incredibly tall rainbow at the end of the film fills me with hope.

    It's great to be able to spend five minutes with you every now and then and hear your music, and see your faces and how your bodies move.

    Hats off!

  2. I haven't had the chance to see what you guys are up to in a while. Glad to see that you are still posting on here :)
    Hope that I can visit soon. I'm living in Sedona right now.
